Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Elimination Diet

Late last night I had a bag full of popcorn and I feel slugish and weigh down this morning. I'm not hungry for anything, I feel pretty grossed. I have decided to start a 28 day elimination diet from "The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook" by Alissa Segersten and Tom Malterre. I started around noon. I felt a bit tired and developed a light headache on my forehead. I went through 120oz. of water and 60oz. This morning I weighed myself and weigh 117.9 lb. My Lean Mass is 74.8% and Fat Mass is 25.2%. My reason for the Elimination Diet is not to lose wight, but to cleanse, pin point a few food allergens I think I might have, and lastly, to lower my fat% and thereby also increase my Lean Mass. I only added an organic salad mix of greens. I miss- understood the recipe.

I feel little more nervous today, because I'm adding more greens to my smoothies than I did yesterday. I have added 5 kale leaves and 2 collard leaves.
I continued to drink a variation of Tom's Fruity Medicine Chest Smoothie from the cookbook. I also drank 120oz of water for the day, plus 60oz through the night. I also drank 1-2 cups of the Cleansing Root Tea (pg.369) on both day. Alissa(book author) said on that decaffeinated teas are ok. and at some point she mentioned this one. This tea is great; like she mentioned, because it help your liver as it's working so hard at this point of the diet to detoxify the body. My only observation through these two days, was that it took me a little while to fall a sleep and I experienced a bit of night swet on my lower legs.
I almost sliped a couple of times. We purchased a new blender today, that could keep up with all the blending we'll be doing. We were all ver excited when we got home, to get blending some fun stuff, like ice cream, ect. My husband asked me if I wanted some and I said yes! Oop... then I said, Oh no, I can't. This happened a couple of times. At times it was hard. I'm looking forward to some grains in my diet from here on!

I was so happy to wake up this morning! I can eat grains... yippie! The first thing I had was the Healing Quinoa Cabbage Soup (not in cookbook-found on the website blog, under phase 1 recipes). It was so good to taste some texture! I'm looking forward to cooking up a storm today of my favorite vagatbles and trying out a few more recipes!
Well, later today I made Adzuki Bean & Yam Hash (from the phase 1 list, on the website), over quinoa, with fried brussel sprouts on the side. I loved it, my kids loved it and my husband ate it. I also made the Raw Cinnamon-sunflower Truffles (also on the website). Mmmm these were yummi and everyone loved them. I continued to drink my 120 oz. of water, 1 full glass of green smoothie and 1 cup of the Cleansing Root Tea.

Today I woke up to eat left overs from last night (Adzuki Bean & Yam Has) for breakfast, along with a cup of Cleansing Root Tea. For lunch I had some more left overs with avocado and brussel sprouts. For a snack, I made a Trail Mix of sesame seeds, sun flower seeds, figs and currants as suggested on the Phase 1 part of the cookbook, pg 383. My kids really liked this mix. For dinner I had a new grain I've never tasted before (most of these I've never tasted before), Teff grain. Eaten like oatmeal, though much more nutritious. I put some of my trail mix in it with a teaspoon of coconut oil. I can have coconut milk, which would have been nice as I generally like more liquid, but it tasted pretty good, like I said similar to oatmeal. I had one glass of green smoothie, need to have more of this tomorrow. And lastly I had two Raw Cinnamon-sunflower Truffles. I continued to drink all my water. I feel good and have noticed a change on a couple of the acne I had that were swollen and very noticeable; the swelling has significantly come down and they don't hurt any more.

Today I had:
Breakfast: Teff with the Trail Mix and coconut oil
Lunch: Adzuki Bean & Yam left overs with avocado, brussel sprouts, and Healing Quinoa Cabbage Soup
Dinner: same as lunch
Snacks: green smoothie juice, two Raw Cinnamon-sunflower Truffles, Trail mix(pg 383), blue berries, Cleansing Root Tea, and water.
I'm really missing chips, or some sort of tortilla by now. But I'm sticking with this. Ready to try something new and creative tomorrow!

Lots and lots of water!
Breakfast: Teff with Trail Mix and coconut oil
Lunch: Adzuki Beans over Quinoa, topped with avocado and cilantro
Snack: Trail Mix, Mango, carrots and one Raw Cinnamon-sunflower Truffle,
Dinner: green smoothie(1/2 apple, 1/2 pear, collard greens & kale)
Night snack: Cleansing Root Tea
Great day, have not experienced any hunger. So far, so good! Throughout this, I'm grateful to my husband and children for being patient with me as I focus more on my self than on home cooked cuisine meals for them. Dale has been helping with cooking for the kids when he is home, just gives them whatever he makes for them. So sweet!

Breakfast: Teff with currants and coconut oil
Lunch: 1 sm. bowl of Cabage Soup and 1 sm. bowl of adzuki beans with avocado and a pinch of salt.
Snack: Green smoothie, 1 Raw Cinnamon-sunflower Truffle
Dinner: "Quinoa Salmon Burgers," (found on the website); over a spring mix salad and topped with half avocado with a pinch of salt.
Dinner snack: Cleansing Root Tea
Lots and lots of water again.

Our dinner was delicious, my husband said it was gourmet! Those are big complements from him, since I'm getting used to him just turning up his nose at just about averything I've made lately. He had senconds and thirds, kids also loved them. On the downside, they were a mess to make, but well worth it for the result! Will probably make them again!

By now I'm counting the days to be done with this phase of the diet. I'm excited to add citrus(limes & lemons) among other things to my diet. Just two more days!
Breakfast: sweet brown rice with coconut oil, coconut milk and currants. Yum, this was good!
Lunch: Last night's dinner left over- Salmon burgers over a spring mix lettuce and topped with avocado.
Snack: Carrots, Cinnamon Sunflower-Truffles, 1 glass of green smoothie and cauliflower
Dinner: 1 sm. bowl of Quinoa Cabbage Soup, Luscious Lentil and Brown Rice Casserole (pg.260), with a quarter of avocado. This was very good, wish I could have eaten more!
Water through out the day. What I've missed today? Walnuts,I love them and I missed them this morning with my hot cereal.

Breakfast: Sweet Brown Rice with Coconut Oil, Coconut Milk and Currants.
Snack: Green Smoothie, 1 Sunflower-Truffle, Sweet Brown Rice with Coconut Oil & Currants, Cleansing Tea
Lunch: 1 bowl of Quinoa Cabbage Soup
Dinner: Luscious Lentil and Brown Rice Casserole with half of an avacado.
A lot of water to drink, through the day and night.
Observations: For the past 5 days my husband has said that I smell like compost. No matter how much I shower; I'll take that as verification that the cleansing is in fact working.

PHASE 2 Day 1
This is the first day of Phase 2 of the Elimination Diet. During this phase I will be trying out lime/lemons for three days and as long as I don't feel any unusual symptoms that would indicate that I'm allergic to them, I can go on to try Tamari. Today I want to see a salsa canning class with my daughter Natalie. It was fun, but I'm really missing salsa and chips today :( My mouth just watered at the thought of that crunchy and salty chip. OH, better stop talking about it!

Breakfast: Sweet Brown Rice with Coconut Oil, Coconut Milk and Currants. I love this, it tastes just like rice pudding. I think next time I'll cook it with the coconut milk and the currants; hopefully it will give it a more creamy and sweet taste!
Lunch: The last of my Luscious Lentil and Brown Rice Casserole with avocado
Snacks: Sunflower Truffle, watermelon, Coconut Mango Pudding (Website recipe), water
Dinner: Brown rice with lentils and a cooked green mix of collards and other greens I bought. Cooked the greens with one onion, green onions, garlic, olives, lime and salt, for thirty minutes. This cooked mix of greens turned out very good and everyone like it, even my kids ate it! Yeah !!!

Great day, it's nice to have citrus again!

What a beautiful day we had today in Bellingham, WA.
Breakfast: Green Smoothie
Lunch: Lentils over rice with the green mixed I cooked yesterday and avocado on top
Snack: Sunflower Truffle, Coconut Mango Pudding, carrots, figs and water
Dinner: Lemon and Lentil Soup (pg.150) with avocado on top.
What I really missed today? chips, chips and more chips!:(

Here I'm half way through PHASE 2 of my cleansing. I have introduced citrus (lime and lemons) and experienced no allergy related symptoms.
Breakfast: Sweet Brown Rice with Coconut Milk and Currants
Lunch: Lentils over rice with cooked green mix and avocado on top (yesterday's left overs)
Snack: 1 green smoothie, watermelon, cantaloupe, sunflower truffle, Mango pudding, apple juice
Dinner: Same thing as lunch with homemade sauerkraut
What I missed today? Chips again with my avocado. Today we went to the Food Coop yearly festival at the Bellingham, Wa, Boulevard Park. It was a lot of fun outside. And, the food seemed great! Totally healthy and at a great price, but unfortunately out of my diet guidelines. My kids were able to eat it because they had an alternative to the flour tortilla in the burrito - bed of salad. My kids ate it like this and didn't seem to think they were missing anything at all. My husband enjoyed a full burrito with a whole wheat tortilla. That's a treat for him as he won't get that at home! Great Saturday, a beautiful 80F sunny day!

For the next 3 days I will introduce Tamari
Breakfast: Sweet Brown rice with Currants and Coconut Milk
Lunch: Lentils on Brown rice, cooked mixed greens, and avocado, sprinkle over with Tamari sauce
Snack: sunflower truffle, Mango Pudding, 1 green smoothie, water!
Dinner: Adzuki Beans over Brown rice with avocado, Tamari sauce and sauerkraut

Breakfast: Sweet Brown rice with currants and coconut milk
Lunch: Adzuki beans with brown rice and avocados, tamari
Dinner: Fried Adzuki beans with onions and yams, along with avocado, tamari
Snacks: 1 green smoothie, Sunflower truffle, Mango Pudding, water!

Breakfast: Sweet Brown rice with currants and coconut milk
Lunch: Adzuki beans with sweet yams, avocado, tamari and broccoli sprouts
Snack: 1 green smoothie, sunflower truffle, broccoli sprouts, water
Dinner: Adzuki beans with sweet yams, avocado, tamari and sauerkraut
The end of PHASE 2. No reaction at all to citrus or soy sauce! Ya!!!

I'm so happy to eat potatoes and bellpeppers today! Eggplant I don't usually eat, but I did like it ok!
Breakfast: fried potatoes with adzuki beans and avocado
Lunch: fried eggplant with bellpepper and onions, with avocado
Dinner: Fried eggplnat with bellpepper and onions, with avocado
Snack: 1 green smoothie, sunflower truffle, sauerkraut, water and tea

Woke up late today and had a late dinner last night.
Breakfast/brunch: Fried potatoes with eggplant mix and avocado
Dinner: eggplant mix over quinoa and avocado
Snack: 1 green smoothie, salsa with sweet yam chips, water, carrots

Today is the last day of testing for allergy reaction to the Nightshade vegetables. So far so good, no known reactions were experienced!
Breakfast: Teff hot cereal with currants, coconut oil and coconut milk. Healthier and more nutritious than sweet brown rice, but not as tasty:)
LUNCH: Summer Vegetable Kitcheree (website recipe) with coconut milk
Snack: sweet yam chips with salsa, 1 green smoothie, dried figs
Dinner: Summer Vegetable Kitcheree with coconut milk and avocado

Today is the first day of testing all beans!
Breakfast: Teff hot cereal with currants, coconut oil and coconut milk
Lunch: Summer Vegetable Kitchereee with coconut milk and avocado
Snack: 1 green smoothie, sweet yam chip with red refried beans, hummus and guacamole
Dinner: Summer Vegetable Kitcheree with coconut milk and avocado and hummus

This is the 2nd day of bean testing.
Breakfast: adzuki beans over quinoa and avocado
Lunch: Kitcheree with coconut milk and avocado
Snack: 1 green smoothie, cantaloupe, tea, figs
Dinner: Hummus, refried beans with avocado and tomatoes

This is my last day of testing all beans. No visible reactions. I did get gassy with canned refried beans, probably because they were not cooked with kombu
Breakfast: Teff with coconut milk and coconut oil
Lunch: Last of my Kitcheree with coconut milk and avocado
Snack: 1 green smoothie, water
Dinner: White Bean and Vegetable Stew (pg.270) with avocado and broccoli sprouts

First day of testing all tree nut
No visible reactions today.

Second day of testing all tree nut
I sneezed a few times this morning. No other reactions.
I have tried: almond, walnut, cashews and pistachios

Third and last day of testing all tree nuts.
No other noticeable allergic reactions.

First day of testing for bananas, papaya and pineapple allergies. No visible side effects.

Second day testing for bananas, papaya and pineapple allergies. Thick mucus development at throat with a few morning sneezes.

Third and last day of of testing for banana, papaya and pineapple allergies. Thick mucus at the back of my throat this morning. Possibly due to bananas.

First day of testing for fish allergy. I'm trying Salmon fish for three days.

Second day of testing of fish allergy. Notice that my diet is still completely vegetarian, gluten, dairy and egg free through all of these. Have not gotten around to testing these other once yet. I'm very curious about the findigns, but probably will not be completely shocked at the results!

This is the third and last day of testing for fish allergy. I think I'll go ahead and claim it as NO ALLERGIES to FISH !!!

This is my first day for testing for Chicken. Sore developing at the tip of my tongue by end of day.

PHASE 3 Day 17
Sencond day for testing for chicken. Still have cold sore.

Ok. So maybe I'm on deniel, because I love chicken and I absolutely don't want to be allergic to it. But I can't denie the facts that I have developed this sore at the tip of my tongue. I'm slightly congested and gets worse at night and my husband had commented on how bad my breath smells and he can tell that it is coming from my stomach.

This morning I have woken with a heavy feeling in my stomach, almost a bit nauseous. Still a bit congested and was very congested last night. At this point I'm going back to my vegeterian diet until all symptoms subside. I will try chicken again and see what happens, or I might go straight to turkey. Turkey might be easier to digest.

PHASE 3 DAY 19, 20
It took two days for my allergy symptoms from the chicken to go away.

I'm re-testing chicken againg today. I have decided to add a digestive enzyme to it when I eat it and see how that goes.

Second day of testing for chicken allergy. I'm definetely more bloaded with adding chicken to my diet and my bm are not as regular.